Thursday, June 26, 2014

How to be an activist.

    These are dire times and everyone must be active about something, be it political, sexual, or personal;  It doesn't matter, because we all need something to fight for. This article promises to help active activist flourish, and ‘want to be activist’ begin their hustle;

    The first step to activism is emotion and the emotion of activism is anger. You must never forget this, and in the instance that you do forget, quickly remind yourself to remember. You do not want to be caught on camera looking happy and relaxed. so in public distort your facial expression. The more distorted the better. And I must warn you, this anger must be what we term ‘healthy anger’, the kind that keeps you out of trouble and out of jail. There is after all no activism behind bars. You must therefore feel a deep anger that analyses, speaks plenty of queens English and waits for somebody to do something about it. You should speak with a passion and advocate for a messiah, a messiah that you must not be. Your activism hustle must obey the cardinal law ‘safety first’

    This is the computer age or hash tag age(#); you must promote your cause socially. Twitter especially. Activism promotes activism, so while your cause is in quintessence take up any other hash tag cause you can find and carry it on your head like a scalp infection. Tweet, retweet and hash tag important issues into triviality. You must not necessarily understand it, just promote and tweet.

    Next you must look like and sound the part, most especially when your cause is at hand. You do not want to be termed a fraud, that word is bad for activism. Let me paint this graphically; to be an activist for nudity( yes, activism is not always about being against) you must in particular first, never wear clothes, or better still never be ‘caught’ wearing clothes, or best never be ‘caught dead’ wearing clothes. You must in fact convince everyone who wears clothes that clothes are ridiculous and scoff at them; you most certainly must not be caught rubbing shoulders with cloth wearers. That is activism suicide.

    You must have this next and final point at your finger tips; it is to activism what white is to rice, because it sums up everything else. Remember to be active as I said earlier is to first stay alive, safe and out of Kiri-Kiri, this next point will tell you how to do all three; If there is ever a law passed against your cause in the time of your activism you must immediately divert. Yes, forget the hash tags of the past and all the talk; dump that cause like hot plantain. In fact it will be best to condemn this cause, delete all post in support of and begin to tweet your applause and humble appreciation of the government and the new development. If anyone reminds you of the past you should quickly reiterate that old things have passed away. To be happy and free activist we must ‘let bygones be bygones’

    Activism is no longer about doing, it is majorly about saying and tagging. No placards, no matching, or even if you intend to match take permission from the authorities you intend to match against, if permission is not granted stay safe by remaining a keyboard warrior.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

R.I.P- Right It Please (May 20- one month later)

   The first lesson we learn from the cradle is acceptance. The ability to agree, acknowledge and give in; the ability to put away our logic and succumb to what is. One month later, we have accepted that we will never understand why? Why May twentieth played out the way it did.

   Today is the twentieth of June. We remember sadly, but fondly our friends who transcended in a national tragedy, members of our family who were martyrs of circumstance, children who were victims of insurgence. We have never forgotten but we have chosen to again remind the nation;

   That we do not have to wait for bad things to happen for us to realize the right things need to be done. We cannot continue to be passive; to rely on toxic doses of ‘God forbid’. To remind us that we cannot continue to watch and wait for a messiah, the Messiah no one wants to be. Our voices from Jos, the cries from Chibok, Nyanya, Gwoza and anywhere the circumstance of insurgence has left shadows of lives that are now only memories, as we say in one accord ‘R.I.P’ it is our prayer, it is our plea; that our loved ones ‘rest in peace’ and that those who can ‘Right It Please’.

    It is madness as they say to continue to do the same thing and expect different results; In the light of one tragedy too many we realize, it is not the time to condemn, deny, and accuse. It is the time to act. We have accepted we cannot change what has been, but we know we can change what may be. Fire burns as far as it burns fast. In the embrace of insecurity we are all potential victims.


Sunday, June 15, 2014

Why we must not forget ' There is God oh!'

   There are many situations we come to in life that we are brutally reminded by the forces of nature of a supernatural existence, but too often nature forgets to stimulate our memory, it is at times like this that we need crusaders like my humble self to bring us back to reality;

    For example, if you are planning to pay someone, anyone, to write your Child's WAEC or NECO examination, most especially the English paper; and you are caressing the excuse that English is not our father tongue; you must remember our first lady’s tears. After all it will do us no good, no good I repeat if in the future your son or daughter is the source of the next national catch phrase, or becomes a marketing strategy for desperate shirt makers. In fact I rebuke all hurdles of English drama in all facets of our life.
    I think telecommunication networks that constantly harass us with calls and messages should also be categorically reminded. I imagine that the first lady’s message be played every morning at opening hour, maybe then we will not need to pay fifty naira to get tips on how to make heaven, or better still  on realizing the importance of the message, they might give us the keys to unlimited data paradise. This is how to treat your customers like you took that passionate speech to heart, not by calling us with more frequency than our lovers.

    In summary; when we claim to spend millions on engine oil to service vehicles in the national budget, before we take seven private jets to Kenya, seize national newspapers and clamp down on the media, deny knowledge of national irresponsibility, dance at rallies at the dawn of tragedy, act like a re-election bid is contest or die. but most importantly,  send ‘world-cupious’ warning broadcast messages to our girlfriends when we do not own personal television sets; in any of this situations we must be reminded of  the tears, the passion, and remember the voice calling ‘there is God oh!’.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Christ is NOT a social exhibition.

  Facebook, twitter and the likes since inception, have brought a new dimension to our generation, to how we love, who we like down to our religious expression, but Christ my friends is not a social exhibition;

  He’s not a status update we put up on Sunday, as a substitute to the notions we make public from Monday to Saturday. He’s not a play thing to flow with our latest attraction, like ‘doro Jesus’ or whatever else attracts our attention.

  He’s a Nazarene slain on a roman cross, who knows fear, pain and human loss. He’s a king who put aside his crown and owned our imperfection, a king who lost a fight to win the battle against our fatal addiction.

  I know this to most may sound like religious indoctrination, but I’m not judging; this is only a passive observation. That the most important of things have been made trivial by the notion, that there really is no harm in the art of expression. Like the cross that was converted to jewelry and for most is now only a cosmetic addition to an accessory;

  Because being a Christian should not be solely a public affair, the parade of self righteousness is almost too much to bear. It’s a day to day way of life, for the good, for the bad, not a goodluck charm for when times get hard.

  Before you ignore this as the ramblings of a writer, there are questions that are vital to answer. What have you done with the king of glory? Is he now a means to an end? Or a lesson in history? It’s not about a like, retweet or comment on a post, it’s not about mentions or a prayer shared the most. As Christians we need to make this one modification, and learn to not treat Christ like a social exhibition.