You cannot speak of Africa and ignore the ' transatlantic slave trade '. Often, it is where the story begins. White people, who explored their way into our land and bound away our people to their sugarcane plantations. That is the stereotype tale. We conveniently ignore that Africans sold Africans for a few rusty muskets and mirrors. We focus on the white man's cruelty but we ignore our greed. A people, who had diamonds, gold and oil but were willing to sell their brothers for next to nothing , for the appeal of the unfamiliar.
We conquered the slave trade, but we did not conquer slavery. We are now slaves in our own nation. Slaves to bad leadership and corrupt practices. We are free from the white man's whip but we remain under the heel of oppression, Why? Because someone somewhere is still selling us out.
When, you stand for something you don't believe in because of all you intend to gain.
When you sell your voice, your vote. When you are an instrument of political distraction. From as minor as stuffing ballot boxes to as major as eliminating the opposition.
When you gloss up the story. When one hundred and fifty die and you make it ten. When you tell a story that is true but incomplete.
When as a student representative, all you do is dine with politicians in a bid to further your ambitions. At the expense of the people you represent. So When Hades boils over, your hands are tied in loyalty to your ambition. You cannot bite the fingers that fed you. You ignore your people.
'It is a little thing' . Same thing, they might have thought at the time they gave off their people to a faith unknown. Same thing we think now . ' you are not directly hurting anybody ' I agree but ' you are indirectly hurting everybody '. You are selling us at the slave market for ' the black man's price.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
The black man's price.
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