Thursday, October 10, 2013

Nigerian parenting for the Nigerian child.

    To begin, I must state clearly that as  Nigerians we do not believe in youthful exuberance. If a child does not conform to societal values, or tradition as we casually put it, it is as a result of slack parenting. ' mamma Ngozi did not do a good job that is why Ngozi has run amok' nevertheless you are blessed to be a Nigerian child and this is what you should expect:
     First when you are born, do not be surprised when you are weighed with titles such as Dr,Prof, pastor and so on. Nigerian parents like to make the path clear from the start never mind your purpose.
      Then do not attempt to explore. That is a leisure we cannot afford. Music and dancing are irresponsible, theatre is for the loose girls and boys, sports is for children with no ambition and speak nothing of art.  Go to school, study hard and become a lawyer or a doctor. That is the only way.
        You should never have an opinion, it is a sure sign of disrespect and do not expect politeness, you are to do as you are ordered. Also, after a job well done do not expect a thank you - you only did what was expected.
         You will constantly hear of things that are against our tradition. You do not need to bother what the tradition is just  remember the things that are against it , it is nothing of consequence to tradition that you do not know your village. That is only a place where people use ' juju ' (voodoo) to destroy each other.
         The Nigerian parenting method has been tested and trusted, passed down from one generation to the next. We are products, the ones that fell along the way were not victims of bad choice, no ,It had to be slack parenting. So you shall learn to be a Nigerian child as someday you too must  be ' a Nigerian parent '.

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