The first lesson we learn from the cradle is acceptance. The
ability to agree, acknowledge and give in; the ability to put away our logic
and succumb to what is. One month later, we have accepted that we will never
understand why? Why May twentieth played out the way it did.
Today is the twentieth of June. We remember sadly,
but fondly our friends who transcended in a national tragedy, members of our
family who were martyrs of circumstance, children who were victims of
insurgence. We have never forgotten but we have chosen to again remind the
That we do not have to wait for bad things to happen for us
to realize the right things need to be done. We cannot continue to be passive;
to rely on toxic doses of ‘God forbid’. To remind us that we cannot continue to
watch and wait for a messiah, the Messiah no one wants to be. Our voices from Jos,
the cries from Chibok, Nyanya, Gwoza and anywhere the circumstance of
insurgence has left shadows of lives that are now only memories, as we say in
one accord ‘R.I.P’ it is our prayer, it is our plea; that our loved ones ‘rest
in peace’ and that those who can ‘Right It Please’.
It is madness as they say
to continue to do the same thing and expect different results; In the light of
one tragedy too many we realize, it is not the time to condemn, deny, and accuse.
It is the time to act. We have accepted we cannot change what has been, but we
know we can change what may be. Fire burns as far as it burns fast. In the
embrace of insecurity we are all potential victims.
Awwww. It is well. May God touch the hearts of those who can RIGHT IT PLEASE. Rip our dear friends and loved ones.